Sunday, October 11, 2015

Yoga or Ballet? Which is better for your Body?

Photo Sources: Unknown 

One of the key's that I have found in avoiding sickness and being an all around happy individual, is to stay active.

Creating the habit of being active is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.  How do you did this?  Intense repetition.  Research proves that you must create a reminder for yourself daily to follow through with the habit you want to create (I leave my leotard on my bed, or yoga mat by my door) and then afterwards reward yourself with something small, such as a warm bath or lighting a candle, to create the habit.  Pro tip: make sure you always reward yourself with the same thing - don't switch it up!  Your trying to create a habit!   However, before you create the habit, you must determine what habit is the best choice for you.  I am active in both yoga and ballet, and wanted to share my insights on which might be better for you.

My experience with BALLET:

I joined Metropolitan Ballet Academy two years ago, a competitive academy that expects excellence.  If you truly want to experience the benefits of ballet, you must join a competitive academy.  After I had danced at Metro for a few months, I moved to Arizona for the winter and joined a small ballet studio there taking adult classes.  I was not pushed to the level that I needed to be and my skills did not develop and my body didn't show results.  Trying different academies is key to your success, avoid adult only classes if you want to really push yourself.  If you are just starting ballet at a competitive studio, expect your confidence to diminish.  Expect to be pushed to a level that you never thought you'd experience.  Expect to feel physical and even mental pain and a passion that could move you to tears.

If you put a lot of effort into ballet, and you find a competitive studio that will push you - you will see a physical different quickly and your body will become flexible and strong to a level that you wouldn't have expected.  Your calves will be shaped, your thighs will get smaller, your abs will be harder, your arms will be more toned.  Ballet works every part of your body, and to be honest, it will never ever compliment you but rather continue pushing you, you will never feel "comfortable" with ballet.  Ballet can be extreme as you want it to be.

You will see results with ballet - but in the long run you have to be careful.  Extreme knee pain will happen, your feet will never be the same, and your mental state will definitely grow harder and more passionate.  If you are prepared for this, by all means go for it!  I will never say it wasn't worth it.

My experience with YOGA: 

I have been a Yogi for three years, I began with taking two light Vinyasa classes twice a week for 4 months.  After a hiatus due to Ballet, I have now begun taking level 2 Hot Power Yoga classes at Corepower.  Let me tell you, that class will make me soaking wet with sweat.  I leave feeling revived, renewed, and energized.  Mentally, I feel more grounded and true to myself.  I feel empowered to be no one but myself.  One of the best physical benefits that I feel I get from these classes are the de-toxifying benefits.

My biggest disappointment in these classes? Despite them being high level classes,  I don't feel sore the next morning.

Final Thoughts

For me, personally I find a better workout in Ballet and better mental benefits from Yoga.  If I were to choose one of the two to keep in my life short term I would choose Ballet.  Why do I say short term?  Because of the natural wear and tear that Ballet has on ones body, moving away from it long term and something that is kinder such as yoga would be beneficial.  Combining both Yoga and Ballet into my lifestyle right now is my goal as they both benefit each other immensely.  For you, definitely look at your own personal needs and go from there!

What are your thoughts on Ballet Vs. Yoga? Which do you prefer? 

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