Out of the Notebook and into the blog: How Volvo and Mercede's Benz Taught me about Putting your whole and being PASSIONATE in your work

Sunday, January 19, 2014

How Volvo and Mercede's Benz Taught me about Putting your whole and being PASSIONATE in your work

It is easy to "do" things to "do" things - write a blog post, make breakfast, work.

*Personally I am awed by the ballet dancer in this one!  I may be biased though ;)

Without passion though?  What is the purpose?

In these two commercials the first by Volvo the second by Mercede's Benz - holy cow can you see the passion and the thought and the belief in their vehicle emitted in every aspect of the commercial!

These commercials are representing a CAR!  A car that our friends and us drive everyday and probably don't think twice about!

The first commercial - the Volvo - was shot in one take.  That is so mind blowing to me - anyone else get a little scared that the trucks might separate just a little too far?

And they managed to inspire Millions of people!

Because they believe and are passionate about their product - their cars - it is emitted through their work and we, as consumers, are able to see that and be WOWED.  Really though?  If you can be inspired by a car commercial - they must be doing something right.

The point is -

When you are PASSIONATE and BELIEVE in what you are doing - that passion and belief will emit in your face and your work and it will shine a little brighter than everyone else's and it will inspire yourself as well as others.

And I'd LOVE to hear from you, you Stunning Person YOU!  What gives you that little bubbly feeling of passion?  Any ideas on how you can emit that into your work MORE?

I also feel like you probably know at least 2 people that would love to be inspired by this passion!  Share it with them and you win a special spot in my heart forever!

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