Out of the Notebook and into the blog: {Easy lunch recipe for tweens and teens}

Sunday, September 12, 2010

{Easy lunch recipe for tweens and teens}

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Boxed soup. Hot pockets. Cardboard pizza. After so many times being home alone, it's easy to get sick of these very common fast lunch fixes that teens eat when they are home a lone, they are easy, but......not the healthiest and you for sure get sick of them after eating them so many times!

Heres a great alternate for when you, or your teen, is home a lone for lunch!

Have them make ravioli, it's quick, and easy, and just as delicious!

1. Purchase a bag of frozen ravioli from the grocery store

2. Boil water with lid on

3. When waters boiling, take lid of and put in however many raviolis you want to eat

4. After 3 or so minutes of the raviolis cooking, usually the raviolis float to the top, drain the water

5. Stir in delicious sauce and sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top

6. Enjoy!

These also taste great to make a head of time and pack for lunches to reheat at school! They taste just as good reheated!

1 comment:

Hi Pretties - leave a comment and you'll forever have a place in my heart <3